A Psychic’s Story is looking for angel or spiritual stories from listeners for the podcast. If you have an angel, spiritual or even supernatural experience that you would like to share with the world – please share!
Submissions may be used in the Listener Stories series for the podcast.
If preferred, you can also leave your story in the form of a voicemail or email. Please include as much detail about your experience as possible.
CALL IN YOUR STORY to 1.800.880.1881. There is a 10-minute limit on all voicemail calls. If you are cut off please call back and continue where you left off.
EMAIL YOUR STORY OR SUBMIT AN AUDIO FILE to contact@apsychicsstory.com. Please include somewhere the subject line Listener Story Submission.
Note: By submitting your story, you give A Psychic’s Story rights to broadcast your story in its entirety or in a shortened form on the podcast. Identities will be protected upon request. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please state that in the voicemail, audio file, email or form when submitting.